Habitat for Humanity-Informational Meeting in Rapid City, SD (March 2010)
Interpreted an informational meeting for Habitat for Humanity volunteers.
Church-Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cathedral (Spring 2010)
Interpreted Sunday night mass at my church throughout internship.
Tax Refund Meetings-AARP (February-April 2010)
Occasionally interpreted tax refund meetings for the local Deaf Community throughout the tax season.
Alcoholics Anonymous-(December 2009)
Team interpreted every other Saturday with my professor.
PTA Meetings-Elementary School (Fall 2009)
Interpreted two meetings per month throughout the fall semester; some in a team environment and some were solo. Topics included a sock hop dance and fund raising.
Dakota Spirit-Showdown Performance (October, 2009)
Interpreted a cheer leading and dance performance as well as raffle and auction portion of the evening.
Dakota Spirit-Parent’s Meeting (September, 2009)
Interpreted a parent’s informational meeting for a cheer leading team.
Dakota Spirit-Registration and Information Night (May, 2009)
Went from booth to booth with Deaf client and interpreted each booth for them and the overall announcements.
Breast Cancer Race-Avera McKennan (May, 2009)
Team interpreted the 21st annual Avera race against breast cancer in a platform setting. Interpretation included morning workout and announcements involving winners, prizes, and thank you.
Burst of Sign-Augustana College (April, 2009)
Team interpreted four productions of the variety show; primarily ASL to English interpreting.
Mary Kay Party (April, 2009)
Team interpreted a Mary Kay party for a group of twelve Deaf women.
Fiddler on the Roof-Middle School ( March, 2009)
Team interpreted a Middle School production of the play for Deaf parents whose son was in the play.
Chapel Services- Augustana College (January - May, 2009)
Class requirement to team interpret five 30-minute services, of which three were in a team environment and two were solo. All services included music and a 10-minute sermon.
Boy Scouts of America Meeting- South Dakota School for the Deaf (September 2008)
Team interpreted a Boy Scout informational meeting introducing parents to the basics of Boy Scouts followed by a question and answer section.
Kid’s Wrestling- Lincoln High School (October 2007-January 2008)
Interpreted wrestling practices and events for boys age four through seven. This required considerable use of classifiers and gestures which assisted in retaining the boy’s attention.
As of 3/1/10 I have a total of 52.5 hours of volunteer interpreting experience.